Digital sustainability learning

Digital sustainability for product and delivery managers

The following is a list of material designed to support those in both product and delivery roles to reach a level of Practitioner. While there are clear and obvious differences in these two roles, there is also a good deal of shared interest from a sustainability perspective. Completing the optional material will put you on the path towards Expert level.

Essential training and resources

1. Green software training

These two courses are essential for understanding the basics of Green Software and should only take a couple of hours to complete. They are free and open to all.

2. Videos

3. Self-evaluation tools

You are no doubt familiar with maturity matrices. They are a good way to evaluate the maturity of your team and organisation. The following two are focussed on digital sustainability, and familiarity with these is an excellent way to measure and improve the sustainability of your team and the products you are building.

GSF Maturity Matrix

Sample output from GreenGauge

Websites to explore

1. Carbon intensity tools

Understanding carbon intensity, or the ‘cleanness’ of your electricity is an important component of a less environmentally damaging Internet. These interactive, map-based sites bring an abstract concept to life.

2. Web page analysis tools

Web-based tools to rate web pages in terms of sustainability. Only useful for analysis of the front end.

Optional training materials

1. Books

2. Playbooks and longer reads

3. Podcasts

4. Online courses


5. Articles to read

There are hundreds of recent articles on these topics, here is a sampling of a few which are of interest.

General interest


Greenwashing and team engagement


Sustainability statements for websites


Are you new to terms like Scope 3, GHGs, the Rebound Effect SDGs? If so, please make use of the glossary to get familiar with the relevant concepts and terminology. Digital sustainability glossary.