Digital sustainability learning

Digital sustainability for leaders

The following is a list of material for those in a leadership position. Sustainability has become a leadership pillar, and understanding the problems of climate change and environmental degradation and your associated obligations as well as the potential opportunities offered by sustainability is vital as we move to 2030 and beyond.

For leaders, there are 3 key concepts related to digital sustainability. Keep these concepts in mind as you go through the learning material.

1) Reducing cost. In digital, sustainable solutions are generally cheaper and more cost effective. This could mean making more effective use of resources, using less or making hardware last longer.

2) Meeting legal obligations. There are a range of legal reporting obligations which organisations are expected to meet. These are expected to grow as we move closer to key 2050 milestones, such as 2030.

3) Staff retention and recruitment. There is growing evidence that workers increasingly put an emphasis on an employer’s values when thinking about their careers. Being an environmentally responsible employer is no longer an optional ‘nice to have’, but rather an essential part of your talent strategy.

Go through the ‘Executive Summary’ to get started. Working through much of the essential material will build your confidence as a Practitioner. Completing some or all the all the optional material will put you on the path towards Expert.

Executive summary

Spend about 90 minutes understanding some of the key terms around digital sustainability and what this means for digital leaders.

PWC's Sustainability Maturity Model

GSF Maturity Matrix

Essential material

Short videos on sustainability and leadership

Longer watches on sustainability

Staff engagement, recruitment and retention

Optional material

1. Podcasts

2. People to follow

3. Books and longer reads

The following are recommended for anyone wishing to understand leadership from a sustainability perspective. For books related to the more technical aspects of digital sustainability, check the technologists learning pathway

4. Articles to read

There are hundreds of recent articles on these topics, here is a sampling of a few which are of interest.

International perspectives


Data centres

Hardware and e-waste


Are you new to terms like Scope 3, GHGs, the Rebound Effect SDGs? If so, please make use of the glossary to get familiar with the relevant concepts and terminology. Digital sustainability glossary.