Digital sustainability learning

Digital sustainability for communicators

The following is a list of material designed to support those wishing to influence others in the change process. No matter what your day job or official role is, the ability to communicate effectively is vital. Working through some of the material will build your confidence as a Practitioner, especially the material in Essentials. Completing the most of the material will put you on the path towards Expert.

1. Essentials

Communities to join (suggestion - join 2)

There are many communities which are worth joining within the government and public sector which can increase your knowledge and expand your network.

Digital sustainability

Government environmental and climate


Activities (suggestion - try 1)

Videos (suggestion - watch 2)

Digital footprint tools (suggestion - try 1)

The following 2 tools help calculate your online footprint. Sadly there is no reliable UK-based calculator (yet), soo these european ones will have to do for now.

2. Everything else

Other websites to explore (suggestion - explore 2)

Books and longer reads (suggestion - read 1)

The following are recommended for anyone wishing to discuss climate and environmental issues, which is often challenging. For books related to digital sustainability, check the technologists learning pathway


Articles to read (suggestion - read 2 or 3 that look interesting)

There are hundreds of recent articles on these topics, here is a sampling of a few which are of interest.

General interest


Data centres

Hardware and e-waste

Climate psychology

Podcasts (suggestion - listen to 1 episode form each category)


Climate change

People to follow (suggestion - follow 2 or 3)

LinkedIn is a very useful tool for engaging with the Green IT movement. The following individuals have made some outstanding contributions to digital sustainability and are worth following.


Are you new to terms like Scope 3, GHGs, the Rebound Effect SDGs? If so, please make use of the glossary to get familiar with the relevant concepts and terminology. Digital sustainability glossary.